Adaptive Progressive Lenses with VR Vision

Introducing LensForge

Experience the future of personalized vision with LensForge, our cutting-edge patent pending technology that combines adaptive virtual reality (VR) with progressive lenses. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions!

Crafting Your Personalized Progressive Lens

Tailor-Made Vision

Once our immersive environments generate personalized vision maps for each individual, the magic begins. We employ state-of-the-art processing techniques to craft progres-sive lenses that perfectly suit your needs.
From close-up to distance vision, your lens is intricately crafted to adjust the width of progressive zones, ensuring unparalleled clarity and comfort.

Unmatched Comfort and Clarity - Embrace the LensForge Revolution


Experience the future of personalized vision with LensForge, a revolutionary advancement brought to you by Opto+. Combining adaptive virtual reality (VR) technology with cutting-edge progressive lenses, LensForge is set to redefine the way you see the world. No more settling for one-size-fits-all solutions!

At the heart of LensForge is its ability to create customized vision maps for each individual. Unlike traditional methods, LensForge tracks not only eye movements but also head movements, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and precision. Say goodbye to compromises and hello to a vision solution tailored specifically to you.

Available in leading optical stores, LensForge offers a seamless experience. Whether you prefer using a virtual reality headset or an immersive projection system, our intuitive interface makes the process effortless. Simply let LensForge analyze your natural eye and head movements, and watch as it crafts a progressive lens that fits you like a glove.

Powered by our cloud-based system, LensForge utilizes D.V.S. technology to design the perfect lens for your lifestyle and physiometric specifications. From near to far, LensForge ensures optimal clarity and comfort by adjusting the width of progressive zones with meticulous precision.

Behind LensForge lies a collaboration with the innovative Italian startup Sothesys, ensuring that our technology is at the forefront of innovation. Join us in embracing the future of personalized vision with LensForge from Opto+.

Test the sight

Adjust the values

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Your lens is ready

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